Happy new year and everyone from HMA and Roots Hurstville wish you a healthy and…
Sunday, 31 December 2017
Happy new year and everyone from HMA and Roots Hurstville wish you a healthy and fruitful new year! Can’t wait to open our first class on the 8th of Jan and see how much everyone has gained on the scales 😉 #2018 #2018bjj #RootsHurstville #rootsBJJ #2018THEBEGINNING #weareready2018 Source
- Published in Jiu-Jitsu, Martial Arts
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Monday, 25 December 2017
Open mat tomorrow 10am at UDA Rockdale. Get ready to lose some of those extra servings of Ice Cream! Stojan Merry Christmas everyone!!! Tomorrow open mat at UDA. 10am start. Bring both gi & no gi. Hope to see you there?? Source
- Published in Jiu-Jitsu, Martial Arts
Merry Christmas to everyone! Have a great Xmas holiday and we will see everyone …
Sunday, 24 December 2017
Merry Christmas to everyone! Have a great Xmas holiday and we will see everyone back on the 8th of Jan 2018. Probably will see you all with an extra couple of KGs haha. Source
- Published in Jiu-Jitsu, Martial Arts
Roots Kids Party 2017 @ Inflatable World Crazy location with kids from Rockdale…
Thursday, 21 December 2017
Roots Kids Party 2017 @ Inflatable World Crazy location with kids from Rockdale, Hurstville, Liverpool, Milperra, Botany, Erskinville. Despite the day being really hot but that didnt stop the kids from wrecking the house down. Most kids looked like they had a bath, the only thing that managed to distract them were the gourmet pizzas
- Published in Jiu-Jitsu, Kids BJJ, Martial Arts
So here it is the Hurstville Martial Arts Dance-Off 2017! Ricky Lover Dance Cre…
Thursday, 14 December 2017
So here it is the Hurstville Martial Arts Dance-Off 2017! Ricky Lover Dance Crew v.s. BJJ Dance Crew The singing is terrible, the dancing is cringe-worthy and completely out-of-sync but this doesn’t degrade our entertainment value. We may be bad but we dont give up. . . just like our Jiu-Jitsu (white belts only). So
- Published in Jiu-Jitsu, Martial Arts
“Finally!” These are the thoughts of Nick and Jessie :) After many months of p…
Wednesday, 13 December 2017
“Finally!” These are the thoughts of Nick and Jessie 🙂 After many months of pain, injuries, face smashes and triangle escapes (from me) and guillotine escapes ( from Paul) they are now officially graded to first stripe. They have worked hard and trained hard. Congrats to both of them! Great way to end the year
- Published in Jiu-Jitsu, Martial Arts
Great Monday class with a special visit from Marko! Continued on back attacks an…
Tuesday, 12 December 2017
Great Monday class with a special visit from Marko! Continued on back attacks and it was a fantastic class. You can even see it on their faces 🙂 #HurstvilleMartialarts #hmaBJJ #rootsBJJ #RootsHurstville #BJJattacks #hurstvilleBJJ #Rootszrockdale #udasydney Source
- Published in Jiu-Jitsu, Martial Arts
Packed house today at HMA, the kids are learning quickly and improving everyday….
Monday, 11 December 2017
Packed house today at HMA, the kids are learning quickly and improving everyday. Even though we are nearing the end of 2017 but i cant wait for 2018 to come and see how many more parents will be amazed with what their child can do! #hmaBJJ #rootsBJJ #rootsHurstville #bjjkids #2017bjj #bjjmartialarts #bjjforkids #2018bjj #hurstvilleMartialArts Source
- Published in Jiu-Jitsu, Kids BJJ, Martial Arts
Look at our Mighty Champs (4 yro to 6 yro). If they don’t beat you with an arm l…
Thursday, 30 November 2017
Look at our Mighty Champs (4 yro to 6 yro). If they don’t beat you with an arm lock they will make you surrender to their cuteness. Very difficult to teach with so many adorable kids rolling on the mats. Classes every Mon and Wed at 5:30pm and Sat at 10am. #bjjkids #hurstvilleBJJ #HurstvilleMartialarts #RootsHurstville
- Published in Jiu-Jitsu, Kids BJJ, Martial Arts
Tuesday, 28 November 2017
What a way to end 2017, No-Gi Team Champion in the Summer Cup. Lots of first time fighters and the team had a fantastic time fighting for the Gold. Paulo Source
- Published in Jiu-Jitsu, Martial Arts