Kids Class in Full Force
Wednesday, 26 April 2017
Little monsters in the house! Every class they are getting more hungry and wants to learn more. They may look small but the younger kids are looking more eager. Look at those single leg TD, text book perfect. #hurstvillemartialarts #hma #RootsHurstville #rootsBJJ #takedown #jiujitsu #kidsBJJ
- Published in Kids BJJ, Uncategorized
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Adult Friday Night Roll!
Friday, 21 April 2017
Wednesday night light-roll for the boys. Out of action today due to popped ribs. On the plus side, get to watch how some of the guys are improving on their Jits and giving some of the higher belts trouble! #hurstvillemartialarts #hma #RootsHurstville #rootsBJJ #bjjsydney#BJJHurstville #thisishowweroll Wednesday night light-roll for the boys. Out of action today
- Published in Uncategorized