Adult king of the hill. None-Stop for 35mins. This was 10min in and everyone was…
Wednesday, 31 May 2017
Adult king of the hill. None-Stop for 35mins. This was 10min in and everyone was already feeling the burn! #hurstvillemartialarts #hma #rootsBJJ #RootsHurstville #kingofthehill Source
- Published in Jiu-Jitsu, Martial Arts
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Congratulations to Alan, Eric, Jarvi, Jacinda, Justin and Alex on getting their …
Sunday, 28 May 2017
Congratulations to Alan, Eric, Jarvi, Jacinda, Justin and Alex on getting their first stripe. Very proud of their improvements over the last couple of months. Fantastic effort (esp the smaller guys who have been a fearless and picking on the bigger guys and gals!). #fearless #hma #hurstvillemartialarts #rootsBJJ #RootsHurstville #kidsBJJ #firststripeBJJ #bjjforlife #kickbuttKids Source
- Published in Jiu-Jitsu, Martial Arts
It’s never easy to re-tell a confronting story like this and many are retold on …
Thursday, 25 May 2017
It’s never easy to re-tell a confronting story like this and many are retold on your local newspaper or newsfeed depicting the horror that the victim had experienced. Luckily this story will not get printed on a newspaper all because of BJJ and the courage of person fighting back. Repost from @OceanCountyBJJ Source
- Published in Jiu-Jitsu, Martial Arts
The teens got a big surprised with the one and only Robert Naumoski ( @udasydney…
Tuesday, 23 May 2017
The teens got a big surprised with the one and only Robert Naumoski ( @udasydney and @stgeorgeRoots)! The boys were overwhelmed and even had the opportunity to have a roll. #overwhelmedteens #hurstvillemartialarts #hma #rootsBJJ #udasydney #rootsHurstville #teensBJJ Source
- Published in Jiu-Jitsu, Martial Arts
Hurstville Martial Arts (HMA) | KIDsize Living St George
Friday, 19 May 2017
Thanks KIDsize Living for featuring HMA on their facebook page! Awesome community website in networking parents and family. Hurstville Martial Arts (HMA) | KIDsize Living St George Looking for a local Martial Arts School? Check out Hurstville Martial Arts – Roots BJJ Hurstville From 5 to 11 yrs (kids) and 12 yrs to 16yrs (teenagers).
- Published in Jiu-Jitsu, Kids BJJ, Martial Arts
Roots BJJ at the Top Again in NSW Autumn Cup
Monday, 15 May 2017
Roots BJJ at the top of the podium again in the NSW Autumn cup in both the Gi and No-Gi division. Well done to everyone that competed and showed the warrior spirit. Next stop, the NSW State Champions on July 15th and 16th. Osss!
- Published in Jiu-Jitsu
Closed guard attacks! Flower sweep -> to armbar. Nice combo by Alan at our Frida…
Monday, 15 May 2017
Closed guard attacks! Flower sweep -> to armbar. Nice combo by Alan at our Friday 4:30pm kids class. ⠀ ⠀ #hurstvillemartialarts #hma #rootsBJJ #rootsHurstville #kidsmartialarts #hma #flowersweep Source
- Published in Jiu-Jitsu, Kids BJJ, Martial Arts
Roots BJJ at the top of the podium again in the NSW Autumn cup in both the Gi an…
Sunday, 14 May 2017
Roots BJJ at the top of the podium again in the NSW Autumn cup in both the Gi and No-Gi division. Well done to everyone that competed and showed the warrior spirit. Next stop, the NSW State Champions on July 15th and 16th. Osss! Well done Team Roots for winning first place in the Gi
- Published in Jiu-Jitsu, Martial Arts
Look at little Jasper executing a perfect hip escape with his elbow closed in li…
Sunday, 14 May 2017
Look at little Jasper executing a perfect hip escape with his elbow closed in like a t-rex. Very tidy movement. Gotta say it’s alot better than some adults. #hipescape #KidsBJJ #hurstvillemartialarts #RootsHurstville #rootsBJJ #kidsmartialarts Source
- Published in Jiu-Jitsu, Martial Arts
What a fantastic story on how to combat bullying head-on! BJJ is more than an ar…
Friday, 12 May 2017
What a fantastic story on how to combat bullying head-on! BJJ is more than an art but a means to build character and confidence in a society that is media charged and pressured by peers. Great story! Repost from Roots Botany. Thanks for the share James!An incredible video showing the confidence and self belief that
- Published in Jiu-Jitsu, Martial Arts
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