The Jiu Jitus journey is seldomly about the belt but its about your dedication and your will to go against adversity. BJJ is not an easy martial arts and most people quit before 1 year is up. These children have showed their strength to work on what’s difficult and climb the hill that most would stop midway point.” Bigger guy… no problem,
“, ” older guy …. I am ok”, ” More experienced belt… Yes please!”.
So proud of you guys Eric, Henry, Daniel, Vicky, Sophia, Marco, Stanley, Hunter, Wilson and Clarice! Congratulations from coach Dave and Paul!!
#hurstvillemartialarts #hmabjj #RootsBJJ #kidsbjjpromotion #rootsbjjpromotion #selfdefense #martialartsoatley #martialartspenshurst #martialartskingsgrove #kidsBJJ #proudcoach #firstbeltBJJ @ Hurstville Martial Arts – Roots BJJ Hurstville